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Escape Room

Alice in Wonderland Themed

This escape room is themed around Alice in Wonderland. It takes inspiration from the books and multiple film adaptations. The user has to try and find the potion to transport themselves home in this sequential adventure.










During this project, I focused on game design and user experience. I began by outline my goal and picking the theme, Alice in Wonderland. To ensure the room and puzzles were linked to the theme as best as I could I researched Alice in Wonderland story. There have been many adaptations so I looked at as many as I could and found out what was most common between them.


Once I completed the game design document I began focusing on the models. These were made using blender with the occasional help of the subdivision modifier. Each model required textures so I created UV maps for them then painted them in photoshop. I tried to keep a traditional victorian feel to all my assets unless I was trying to portray a persona.


To ensure my game was user friendly I would organise testing sessions and obtain feedback. These testing sessions would be performed by getting a user to play a game and have their screen recorded. This would allow me to see how players navigated the room without making the players feel like they were being watched. I would then supply them with a questionnaire so that I could analyse the feedback. 

Work Showcase


Game Design Document

UX research

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